Monday, August 15, 2016

Mothapalooza Update

Hello naturalists! Mothapalooza was great, and the staff had the opportunity to learn a lot about our native moth species! Here are some photos taken by the staff over the 3 day period of the event:

Sycamore Tussock Caterpillar

Small Eyed Sphinx
Regal Moth
Tersa Sphinx
Imperial Moth
Laurel Sphinx
Huckleberry Sphinx
Harris's Three Spot
Hercules Beetle

Carolina Sphinx

Beautiful Wood Nymph

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Hello fellow naturalists! The nature center will be closed this Thursday, August 4th, through Monday, August 8th. The entirety of the staff will be at Shawnee State Park, In Scioto County for Mothapalooza! Mothapalooza is a yearly event where naturalists of all kinds join together to learn about and experience the wonder of moths. The weekend is made up of field trips, talks by leading experts, and break-out sessions meant to educate about the more than 3,000 estimated species of moths that reside in Ohio alone. This is an amazing amount of diversity, when you consider that Ohio is only known to have about 140 species of butterflies! Here is a list of some moths that we might expect to see on our trip to Shawnee:
Rosy Maple Moth. Image by  Bill Hubick

Cecropia moth. photo source

Luna moth. Source: Alan Cressler